We are excited for a new race experience, the Maah Daah Hey Trail run series in North Dakota! Having gotten a taste of the Badlands on our trip to South Dakota, we are excited to immerse ourselves deeper in the Badlands by competing in the various races! Yes, I said races! They offer a 5K, a 100-miller, and everything in between! So we hope to have someone running in at least 3 of the races, but time will tell!
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All across America towns like yours are hosting great races! Our goal is to take you with us as we travel from town to town participating in races throughout the nation. We’ll check out the local cuisine for some pre- and post-race nutrition, explore some of the local attractions, and take part in the event festivities. We hope we can inspire you to sign up for a race, whether in your own neighborhood or farther afield, to get a taste of some of the great activities going on around the country.
Want to see the race courses and attractions at the host cities such as Pittsburgh, PA?
Then check out our videos on our YouTube channel!
Check out our last run, the Mesa Falls Marathon!
All photographs taken by Race the Nation
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